Geothermal may be, as the name suggests, by extracting heat from the earth. This is done using a liquid medium circulating in a pipe system located just below the soil surface, at just over a meter deep.
Air heat
Air heat pump takes advantage of a resource that would otherwise go to waste. Air heat pump is also easy to install. The downside is that the air heat rule fails all heating alone.
From air heating
An exhaust air heat pump works the same way as the air conditioner. The difference is that such a heat pump uses the warm air already in the house and that would otherwise be vented. Exhaust Heat have always supplemented by other energy source.
Lake heat
Lake water works on the same principle as geothermal heat, ground heat, and exhaust heat. It utilizes the heat using a heat pump. Lake heat promotes the solar heat that is stored on the sea bed.
With the help of solar panels on the roof are catching up the heat and energy in the sun's rays. Solar thermal is the classic way with alternative energy heating their houses.